The origins of Kashubian embroidery date back to the 18th century.

The origins of Kashubian embroidery, which  has developed in the northern part of Poland, date back to the 18th century. Initially, embroidery art developed in female monasteries. The embroidery schools were created in Kashubia from the 19th century. Thanks to them this handicraft became popular.

haft kaszubski

A reachness of colour

Kashubian embroidery is inspired by the beauty of nature. The most popular are flower motives – mostly using field flowers: pansies, cornflower, blue-bells, carnations, lillies, forget-me-nots and wild roses. They are presented with unusual precision and attention to detail.
In the most characteristic form of Kashubian embroidery, seven basic colors are used. Each of them has its symbolic meaning, connected with the legend about the creation of Kashubia. The colours symbolize the elements of nature, that God used to make Kashubian land beautiful while creating it.

  • cornflower blue symbolizes the beautiful Kashubian lakes,
  • blue is the colour of Kashubian sky,
  • dark blue is like the unmeasurable depth of sea,
  • yellow reflects the colour of cereals ripening in fields and the sun,
  • green stands for forests full of game,
  • red is like blood that every Kashubian is ready to spill for protection of their land,
  • brown and black are like soil ready for being planted.


One-colored embroidery

Less popular, but equally beautiful is Kashubian embroidery made with the use of different shades of one color – blue or gold and amber.


Tablecloths and table sets

Kashubian embroidery is most beautifully presented on richly decorated tablecloths and table sets. In such large compositions you can fully display its beauty and precision. It is also an elegant and valuable gift often offered for the wedding.



Beautiful everyday objects

According to the tradition, also everyday objects like aprons, kitchen gloves, and teapot warmers are decorated with embroidery.




Embroidered tapestries – interior decoration

W niektórych domach haftowane ozdoby wykorzystywane są również jako elementy dekoracji wnętrza.


More examples of beautiful products decorated with Kashubian embroidery can be found in our online store: