Lowicz cutout



Nowhere, apart from Poland, the variety of paper cutouts is so large. 

A cutout is a colourful picture made of paper, created by intricate cutting. It is one of the most characteristic elements of Polish folk art. Paper cutouts developed in mid-19th century, mainly in central and eastern Poland, and were one of the most important forms of house decoration.

wycinanka łowicka

Nowhere, apart from Poland, the variety of paper cutouts is so large.

Kurpie Region paper cutouts – MORE

wycinanka kurpiowska - gwiazdawycinanka kurpiowska - kogutywycinanka kurpiowska - leluja


Lowicz Region paper cutouts – MORE

wycinanka łowickawycinanka łowicka - kogutywycinanka lowicka

Lowicz paper cutout – shape and colour


Łowicz paper cutout, that developed in the Central Poland is the most recognizable and probably the most beautiful Polish paper cutout. Here it is not only shape that is important, but also the colour. Lowicz cutout is a composition of 5, 7, or even 10 colours.

wycinnka lowicka duza

“Gwiozda” and “Kodra” are the most important types. They are made by gluing consecutive layers of elements. “Gwiozda” is a symmetrical composition, filled with floral motives: trees mainly, sometimes also birds. “Kodra” is a rectangular cutout, often showing scenes from everyday life. In the past “Kodra” was attached to ceiling beams as a decoration. Today also it may beautifully decorate your house.

wycinanka lowickawycinanka lowicka

Traditional workshops


Cutouts were made by women. They were inspired by nature and their imagination. It is interesting that cutouts are made on the spot, without drawing a model first. Initially, they were cut with sheep scissors, held by blades to use the energy of flexible steel. To present day, in Poland the tradition of paper cutting is alive and  is being passed down from generation to generation. Many artists continue to work with use of traditional tools. My Poland cooperates with the masters of handicrafts whose work has gained recognition not only in Poland but all over the world.

warsztat - tworzenie wycinanki

The cutouts in interior design


Paper cutouts are undoubtedly fashionable. They have been inspiring artists, designers and interior designers for several years now. Thanks to their beauty and astonishingly craftsmanship they have become an important part of so called ethno-design. Lowicz paper cutout, distinguished by a special beauty and richness of colors, can enliven any interior, giving it a unique character. Not only the composition of the cutouts is important, but also the framing. The same cutout, depending on used frame, can look completely different.

wycinanka lowicka niebieska